So far I've profiled two people that have Shadow Man tattoos and today I've found a third! I'm not even looking for these guys!! You can see the first two here and here.
Today, we have another Mask of Shadows tattoo from the Shadow Man video game (always surprises me just how popular those Shadow Man video games are). Check it out:

The tattoo owner explains on his blog:
I wanted a good rendition of the below images so started a competition on facebook where only 2 of my friends competed, Charlie and Maddie both drew very good designs and both were taken and used as well as Jeff the Tattooist's own horror genre to the free hand piece.His tattoo is based on the Mask of Shadows from the video game:
For the tattoo owners sake, I hope they keep the mask in the new comics!
Hey man thanks for adding my tattoo to your blog, but any chance you could update the link to my blog as it has changed, it also includes my other tattoos as well thanks