Comics Values Monthly #59 featuring the cover of Magnus Robot Fighter #1 on the cover.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Unity #0 re-imagining #3
A new post in my series on Unity #0 re-imaginings. These are a popular commission concept because of the iconic cover to Unity #0 and because it lets the commissioner play editor, determining which characters make the roster! Again, this one was illustrated and inked as a commission by Bob Layton. It features X-O Manowar riding a dinosaur (!), Rai, Solar and Magnus fighting a bunch of free will robs. Check it out:
Bob Layton,
Magnus Robot Fighter,
Unity #0 re-imagining,
X-O Manowar
Valiant Market - X-O Manowar #8 page 13 original art
Welcome to another episode of Valiant Market! The show/blog post series where I chronicle interesting sales of Valiant items (predominantly art so far). In this episode/blog entry we take a look at the recent eBay auction for the original art page from X-O Manowar issue #8 page 13 by Mike Leeke and Tom Ryder.
The page sold for a surprising $311.69 (including shipping). Why so much you ask? Well, this issue is part of the seminal UNITY crossover, is signed by the artists, looks to be in terrific condition/color and features a key scene in the life of our hero - the moment before he gets chomped by a bionasaur!! But those reasons pale in comparison to the big selling point. I mean of course the appearance of X-O butt! Check it out for yourself:
Mags - Perspective Comic Con Issue
This years San Diego Comic Con featured a Comic Con special issue of the Art Directors Guild journal, Perspective. The magazine did a interview with Valiant Comics alum Mark Moretti (Bloodshot, Eternal Warrior, Magnus Robot Fighter and Ninjak) which featured a page from his early Magnus Robot Fighter work. Check out the full interview below:
Eternal Warrior,
Magnus Robot Fighter,
Mark Moretti,
Friday, November 23, 2012
The Bleeding Cool Magazine debut issue arrived in comic stores around the world this week and featured a rather interesting article entitled "The Top 100 Most Powerful People in Comics". Why is this pertinent to you, the die hard Valiant Comics fan? Because two Valiant Comics executives and one writer made the list! But we'll get to that in a minute...first the full list:
1. Jim Lee
2. Isaac Perlmutter
3. Robert Kirkman
4 Geoff Johns
5. Joe Quesada
6. Brian Michael Bendis
7. Dan Didio
8. Thomas Tull
9. Kevin Feige
10. Eric Stephenson
11. Mark Millar
12. David Steinberger
13. Dan Buckley
14. Bob Harras
15. Axel Alonso
16. Joss Whedon
17. Tom Brevoort
18. Grant Morrison
19. Mike Richardson
20. Bill Schanes
21. Bob Wayne
22. Jeph Loeb
23. Ruwan Jayatilleke
24. Jonah Weiland
25. Ted Adams
26. Jeff Robinov
27. Stan Lee
28. Neil Gaiman
29. Diane Nelson
30. Alan Moore
31. Nick Lowe
32. David Gabriel
33. Brian K. Vaughn
34. Nick Barrucci
35. William Christensen
36. Jason Kingsley
37. Alex Ross
38. Steve Wacker
39. Pendleton Ward
40. Marc Toberoff
41. CB Cebulski
42. Micah Baldwin
43. Rob Pereyda
44. Nick Landau
45. Mark Waid
46. Todd McFarlane
47. Ross Richie
48. Scott Snyder
49. Bill Willingham
50. JMS
51. Jonathan Hickman
52. John Rood
53. Garth Ennis
54. Matt Fraction
55. Mike Mignola
56. Mike Marts
57. Steve Geppi
58. Scott Kurtz
59. The Anonymous Comic Shop Clerk with a Scanner
60. Karen Berger
61. Midtown Collective
62. Fred Pierce
63. Roger Fletcher
64. Bobbie Chase
65. David Bogart
66. Dinesh Shamdasani
67. Warren Ellis
68. Jim Valentino
69. Harris Miller III
70. Joe Field
71. Marc Silvestri
72. Mimi Cruz
73. Cindy Fournier
74. Chuck Parker
75. Bryan Lee O'Malley
76. Erik Larsen
77. Ken F Levin
78. Richard Johnston
79. J Scott Campbell
80. Kate Beaton
81. Chris Staros
82. Fae Desmond
83. Seiji Horibuchi
84. Lance Festerman
85. George RR Martin
86. Gary Groth
87. Jonathan Goldwater
88. Stephen Christy
89. Scott Allie
90. James Lucas Jones
91. Scott Morse
92. Kevin Eastman
93. Milton Griepp
94. Chris Ryall
95. James Parker
96. Scott Dunbier
97. Liam Sharp
98. Bob Schreck
99. James Killen
100. Howard Chaykin
There you have it. Fascinating stuff but even more fascinating is the full list in the magazine with commentary. I urge you to pick up a copy (which also has a pretty snazzy Shadowman article). Here's a scan of the cover:
Now on to the Valiant crew that made the list - Valiant Publisher, Fred Pierce (#62), and Valiant Chief Creative Officer & Founder, Dinesh Shamdasani (#66). Check out scans of the commentary below:
Also, recently announced Shadowman screenwriter J. Michael Straczynski made the list at number 50. Check out the commentary below:
And just because I know you're interested, here a few more notable entries:
Marc Silvestri (#71): Image Comics founder and creator of Witchblade, Darkness and Cyberforce
Warren Ellis (#67): Creator of Transmetropolitan & The Authority, and writer of Judge Dredd, Iron Man and Fantastic Four
George RR Martin (#85): Creator of Game of Thrones
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Happy 20th Bloodshot #1
Twenty years ago today Bloodshot #1 hit the stands and the chromium age was born. Happy anniversary!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Mags - Comic Shop News #1304
Another scan of an issue of Comic Shop News with a Valiant Comics cover. This time it's Comic Shop News issue #1304 with a Bloodshot (2012) cover featuring the cover art from the Bloodshot#1. Check it out:
Mags - Comic Shop News #1300
Here's another scan of an issue of Comic Shop News with a Valiant Comics cover. This time it's Comic Shop News issue #1300 with a Harbinger (2012) cover featuring the cover art from the Harbinger #1 1:20 variant cover - which is a homage to the original Harbinger #1 cover from 1992. Check it out:
Mags - Comic Book Collector #13
Today, we have another magazine cover featuring Valiant. Comic Book Collector #13 featured a cover sporting the second wave of Valiant Comics characters - Ninjak, Timewalker, Armorines and Doctor Mirage - as well as an article discussing them entitled, Valiant Comics: What Next?
Shadowman #1 Blackout Pullbox cover is AWESOME!
Valiant did a great job with these! From a distance it looks completely black, but when you get up close you see Shadowman come out of, well, the shadows! So awesome!
Also, I have no idea how Valiant did this but it is impossible to get a finger print on the cover. The problem with other black or predominately black covers is the minute you pick it up you ruin the effect with your greasy fan boy finger prints. Not the case here!
Check it out:
Also, I have no idea how Valiant did this but it is impossible to get a finger print on the cover. The problem with other black or predominately black covers is the minute you pick it up you ruin the effect with your greasy fan boy finger prints. Not the case here!
Check it out:
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Gold logo program returns!
At the San Diego Comic-Con this year Valiant Chief Creative Officer, Dinesh Shamdasani, announced the return of the famous gold logo program. The program rewards fans who promote Valiant Comics with limited edition gold logo versions of the comics. The first comic to receive the gold logo treatment is X-O Manowar #1:
Everyone who attended the panel at the San Diego Comic-Con received a copy! Three copies are being auctioned on eBay with all proceeds being donated to the Wounded Warrior Project. The first of the auctions has finished at a whopping $306.76 (plus $10.40 shipping).
UPDATE: The next auction finished at over $600!
Everyone who attended the panel at the San Diego Comic-Con received a copy! Three copies are being auctioned on eBay with all proceeds being donated to the Wounded Warrior Project. The first of the auctions has finished at a whopping $306.76 (plus $10.40 shipping).
UPDATE: The next auction finished at over $600!
Valiant Market - UNITY #0 page 12 original art
Okay, so I'm really really bad with updates. The new Valiant books have been coming out and they are AMAZING! If you haven't checked them out do yourself a big favor and go and get them all!
I may change the focus of this blog from text to predominantly picture updates. We'll see.
As I've said before, it's rare for a Barry Windsor-Smith Valiant page to hit the market let alone one of the 16 pages that make up UNITY #0. This page was clean and prominently featured Solar: Man of the Atom, Eternal Warrior, Geoff the Geomancer and X-O Manowar. It's nice to see that the market for key Valiant art is so healthy.
I may change the focus of this blog from text to predominantly picture updates. We'll see.
Anyway, this update is about the recent auction of another original art page from the seminal UNITY issue #0 by Barry Windsor-Smith and Bob Layton (I've documented a previous sale here). This time UNITY #0 page 12 sold on eBay for $875 (plus $20 shipping).
Barry Windsor-Smith,
Bob Layton,
Eternal Warrior,
Original Art,
X-O Manowar
Sunday, April 29, 2012
C2E2 shot glass prices
Seems Valiant set up a booth at this years C2E2 show (Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo), and it seems Valiant gave out coupons to retailers that could be redeemed at the Valiant booth for a shot glass. Check out a picture:
Pretty damn cool no? I believe they were also used at the ComicsPro event to serve "Bloodshots", hence the Bloodshot circle emblem. Although, I'm not sure why the emblem is all cracked and scratched. Every shot glass is that way so it must be on purpose. The plot thickens as to what Valiant is doing with Bloodshot.
So these shot glasses, which are probably incredibly limited, have made their away onto eBay and a quick search shows me that they sell for between $20 and $40 each including shipping! There are almost 20 individual auctions and all have sold in that range.
Okay, so who has one they want to send me?
Pretty damn cool no? I believe they were also used at the ComicsPro event to serve "Bloodshots", hence the Bloodshot circle emblem. Although, I'm not sure why the emblem is all cracked and scratched. Every shot glass is that way so it must be on purpose. The plot thickens as to what Valiant is doing with Bloodshot.
So these shot glasses, which are probably incredibly limited, have made their away onto eBay and a quick search shows me that they sell for between $20 and $40 each including shipping! There are almost 20 individual auctions and all have sold in that range.
Okay, so who has one they want to send me?
Harbinger is the second title!
Oh happy day! Valiant has announced the second title in the relaunch and it's Harbinger! This is the book that propelled Valiant to number 3 and if done right could once again shake up the industry. Check out the press release below:
Lots of good information here. The creative team is not mainstream which is perfect. Dysart's Unknown Solider is one of the best written books in recent memory, and his subversive bent will serve Harbinger very well. Looks like we have confirmation of another talking cover too!
Check out the gorgeous preview art:
VALIANT Heralds HARBINGER with NYT Bestselling Author JOSHUA DYSART & Harvey Nominee KHARI EVANS
READ MINDS. BEND STEEL. BREAK ALL THE RULES. First came X-O Manowar. Now another legend of the Valiant Universe returns this June 6 in the all-new Harbinger #1 – the first issue of a new ongoing series from New York Times best-selling author Joshua Dysart (Unknown Soldier, BPRD) and Harvey Award nominee Khari Evans (Carbon Grey, Immortal Iron Fist)!
Skipping across America in a desperate attempt to stay ahead of the authorities, Peter Stanchek is learning that he’s much more than an out-of-work and on-the-run teenager; he is in fact a psionically-powered “harbinger” with the potential to change the course of human history. Now, respected philanthropist and fellow psionic Toyo Harada has come to guide Peter out of harm’s way and teach his new pupil what it truly means to wield power. But Harada isn’t as charitable as he might seem — and the repercussions of these two superhuman harbingers coming face to face might shatter the very planet he hopes to save.
“The idea of really getting a chance to dig in and build an epic mythology populated by a fully-realized cast of characters, all centered around Jim Shooter and David Lapham’s original premise, is super-exhilarating to me,” said Dysart. “I’ve been looking for a book to write that could be dark, weird, trippy, fun, real, unreal, violent and thematically ambitious. All the things I look for in fantastic fiction myself. Harbinger is that book, so I’m pretty damn excited about it.”
Added Evans: “From page one, this has book has been a total blast. It’s a story that begins with Harada and Peter, but soon escalates to include so much more. Working with this cast has been a lot of fun.”
One of the founding titles of the original Valiant Universe, the first Harbinger series was one of the most critically acclaimed super-hero titles of the 1990s and spawned one of first fanatical followings of the modern age of comics. Now, at the hands of the Eisner Award-nominated author behind Unknown Soldier and the fan favorite penciller of Carbon Grey, Harbinger is receiving an unflinching modern update.
“Peter Stanchek and Toyo Harada come from diametrically opposite places in this world. Peter’s a broke, disillusioned 18-year-old who sees the American Dream as nothing more than a fiction from another time. Toyo Harada is a self-made billionaire who’s watched the promise of the baby boomers disintegrate into self-interest. These two are inexorably linked by their extraordinary powers, but just because they share a bond doesn’t mean they share an ideology,” said Valiant Executive Editor Warren Simons. “Their eventual collision is unavoidable.”
The generation with nothing to lose is about take on the man who has everything — and no one will escape unscathed. The war for the future of the Valiant Universe begins here this June, only in Harbinger #1!
Visit later this month for full details on the Harbinger #1 Pullbox Exclusive Variant!
Pullbox Exclusive Variant by MICO SUAYAN
Lots of good information here. The creative team is not mainstream which is perfect. Dysart's Unknown Solider is one of the best written books in recent memory, and his subversive bent will serve Harbinger very well. Looks like we have confirmation of another talking cover too!
Check out the gorgeous preview art:
Sony developing Bloodshot Movie?
Looks like Valiant hasn't just been secretly busy all these years making comics but also taking their time and developing big screen versions of the Valiant characters. Check out the press release:
Last we heard Matthew Vaughn was in line to direct the movie and a script was being written. No word on if Vaughn is still involved but they have a blockbuster producer in tow now and a major studio. A Bloodshot movie could be a massive franchise if done right. Excited to see how this one pans out.
Columbia Pictures is closing a deal to acquire the rights to adapt Bloodshot, the bestselling Valiant comic book character, into a feature film to be produced by Neal H. Moritz through his Original Film banner and Jason Kothari and Dinesh Shamdasani on behalf of Valiant Entertainment, it was announced today by Hannah Minghella, president of production for Columbia Pictures. Jeff Wadlow will write the screenplay.
Bloodshot first appeared in Valiant comic books in 1992 and quickly became one of the comic world’s most popular characters. Appearing in over 70 issues, the character sold seven million comic books globally and was a cornerstone of the Valiant Universe, which sold more than 80 million comic books, third only to Marvel and DC. As Valiant re-launches in 2012, the Bloodshot character will return to shelves as well.
Commenting on the announcement, Minghella said, “The Bloodshot character has been a fan favorite for nearly two decades, selling approximately 7 million comic books globally. Because there have been more than 1,500 pages of storylines published, there is a rich legacy to draw from as we develop the screenplay. Neal is one of the best action producers working today and we know he is the right filmmaker to take on this potential franchise.”
Originally founded in 1989, Valiant Comics quickly became one of the most successful comic book publishers by creating unique and compelling heroes and villains and focusing on storytelling. Valiant characters have been written and illustrated by many of the industry’s most famous creative talents, including Jim Shooter, Bob Layton, Barry Windsor Smith, Joe Quesada, Jim Lee, Frank Miller, Garth Ennis, Warren Ellis, Bryan Hitch, Steve Ditko, Mike Mignola, Kevin VanHook, Don Perlin and Neal Adams, among many others; in addition, Valiant was previously named Publisher of the Year by Diamond Comics Distributors. Valiant is returning to comic books in May 2012 and has a number of movie projects in development based on its characters involving some of the industry’s top business and creative talent.
Neal Moritz and Original Film are currently in post-production on four films: 21 Jump Street and Total Recall for Columbia Pictures, R.I.P.D. for Universal, and Warner Bros.’ Jack the Giant Killer. He is entering pre-production on the sixth entry in the Fast and Furious franchise as well as on Dead Man Down, starring Colin Farrell and Noomi Rapace. With over 40 films to Moritz’s credit, past titles include Battle: Los Angeles, The Green Hornet, The Fast and Furious series, I Am Legend, XXX, S.W.A.T.,Gridiron Gang, Sweet Home Alabama, Click, Vantage Point, Blue Streak, Cruel Intentions, I Know What You Did Last Summer, The Skulls, Volcano, Urban Legend, and Juice. Original Film’s box office is north of 2 billion worldwide.
Last we heard Matthew Vaughn was in line to direct the movie and a script was being written. No word on if Vaughn is still involved but they have a blockbuster producer in tow now and a major studio. A Bloodshot movie could be a massive franchise if done right. Excited to see how this one pans out.
Friday, April 20, 2012
World's First Talking Cover: X-O Manowar
Talk about innovating! I love that Valiant is coming out of the gate with amazing looking comics and now amazing new ideas. Check out the video and press release below.

Valiant is proud to announce the X-O Manowar #1 QR Voice Variant – the world’s first QR code-augmented, talking comic book cover! And, starting this February 29th, the only place to see this comic milestone live and in action will be in local comic shops nationwide when Valiant ships thousands of interactive, retailer-exclusive posters previewing this innovative comics breakthrough.
“We want fans worldwide to know that something special is happening in their local comic shop during the build-up to May 2nd and the launch of the new Valiant Universe,” said Valiant Chief Creative Officer Dinesh Shamdasani. “Valiant’s QR Voice Variant is not only a new innovation in comics and a true incentive for retailers, but an enhanced and immersive experience for fans as well.By merging elements of print and digital, we’ve hopefully created something that fans will just have to see in person!”
Illustrated by fan favorite artist Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic, scripted by Robert Venditti and animated by New York’s Continuity Studios, both the cover and promotional poster will direct smartphone users to a video of X-O Manowar delivering a speech directly to comic fans across the world. On sale May 2nd — from the creative team of New York Times bestselling author Robert Venditti and Eisner Award-winning artist Cary Nord — X-O Manowar #1 begins the journey of Valiant’s greatest hero anew, when a Visigoth warrior dons an alien-armored weapon of incalculable destruction, igniting the Valiant Universe in the process.
“From a storytelling standpoint alone, the technology we’re employing here holds enormous potential,” said Valiant Executive Editor Warren Simons. “For the first time anywhere, and exclusively on the printed page, Valiant can literally give its characters a voice.”
Retailers are encouraged to prominently display their X-O Manowar QR Voice posters to showcase this unique promotional item. Valiant will be also be making print-ready PDFs of the posters, as well as the code itself, available to shop owners for promotional use via their retailer portal on This is the second innovative promotion Valiant has announced in as many weeks for the release X-O Manowar #1; earlier this month, the publisher unveiled its Pullbox Exclusive Variant program to reward comic shop patrons who open a subscription for X-O Manowar at their local store with a special edition Cary Nord cover.
X-O Manowar #1 inks revealed!
The first inked pages from X-O Manowar #1, which will be out on May 2nd, have been released and all I have to say is:

The art on this books looks phenomenal! Make sure you click on the two page spread and see the full size version!
X-O Manowar will be written by Robert Venditti (Surrogates) with art by Cary Nord and Stefano Gaudiano
The art on this books looks phenomenal! Make sure you click on the two page spread and see the full size version!
X-O Manowar will be written by Robert Venditti (Surrogates) with art by Cary Nord and Stefano Gaudiano
Sunday, February 26, 2012
X-O Manowar #1 Pullbox Variant announced
There's too much news coming out of Valiant Comics these days that I can't keep up!
This week Valiant Comics announced a pretty genius, never-been-done-before, program that rewards people who subscribe to comics at their comic stores. I believe all you have to do is go into your store open a subscription (for any comics, not just Valiant) and ask for the X-O Manowar #1 Pullbox Variant at cover price. Pretty neat! Reminds me of the old Valiant gold logo program.
Check out the official press release below complete with cover image and order form:
Valiant is proud to announce the X-O Manowar #1 Pullbox Exclusive Variant by superstar artist Cary Nord — the first in a new program of exclusive covers designed to encourage fans to open pull lists at their local comic shop and reward long-term pull list subscribers who pre-order Valiant’s new number one issues. Featuring the only X-O Manowar cover by interior artist and Eisner Award-winner Cary Nord, the X-O Manowar #1 Pullbox Exclusive Variant is exclusively available only to comic book store pull list subscribers and box holders.
“We’re committed to getting as many fans of Valiant’s original incarnation as possible back into brick-and-mortar comic shops on May 2nd for X-O Manowar #1,” said Publisher Fred Pierce. “There are many lapsed readers out there who haven’t visited a store regularly for years, and this limited edition cover is a great way to incentivize the act of opening a pull list subscription with your local retailer. On top of that, it’s also a perfect opportunity to get a look at the stunning work Cary Nord is delivering with X-O Manowar.”
“One of the challenges that comics retailers face every month is how to order new titles,” added Sales Manager Atom! Freeman. “With the Pullbox Variant program, we’re encouraging fans to let their retailers know ahead of time that they plan on following X-O Manowar monthly and give retailers an extra-added reason to promote the launch of the Valiant line in their stores.”
Valiant will also be shipping in-store request forms for the Pullbox Variant program to retailers during their March ordering period. Register your store for access today at, or download your own Pullbox Variant request form below! Plus take a look at some never-before-seen interior pages from X-O Manowar #1!
Cover by ESAD RIBIC (MAR121221)
Pullbox Exclusive Variant by CARY NORD (MAR121222)
Variant Cover by DAVID AJA (MAR121223)
This week Valiant Comics announced a pretty genius, never-been-done-before, program that rewards people who subscribe to comics at their comic stores. I believe all you have to do is go into your store open a subscription (for any comics, not just Valiant) and ask for the X-O Manowar #1 Pullbox Variant at cover price. Pretty neat! Reminds me of the old Valiant gold logo program.
Check out the official press release below complete with cover image and order form:
Valiant is proud to announce the X-O Manowar #1 Pullbox Exclusive Variant by superstar artist Cary Nord — the first in a new program of exclusive covers designed to encourage fans to open pull lists at their local comic shop and reward long-term pull list subscribers who pre-order Valiant’s new number one issues. Featuring the only X-O Manowar cover by interior artist and Eisner Award-winner Cary Nord, the X-O Manowar #1 Pullbox Exclusive Variant is exclusively available only to comic book store pull list subscribers and box holders.
“We’re committed to getting as many fans of Valiant’s original incarnation as possible back into brick-and-mortar comic shops on May 2nd for X-O Manowar #1,” said Publisher Fred Pierce. “There are many lapsed readers out there who haven’t visited a store regularly for years, and this limited edition cover is a great way to incentivize the act of opening a pull list subscription with your local retailer. On top of that, it’s also a perfect opportunity to get a look at the stunning work Cary Nord is delivering with X-O Manowar.”
“One of the challenges that comics retailers face every month is how to order new titles,” added Sales Manager Atom! Freeman. “With the Pullbox Variant program, we’re encouraging fans to let their retailers know ahead of time that they plan on following X-O Manowar monthly and give retailers an extra-added reason to promote the launch of the Valiant line in their stores.”
Valiant will also be shipping in-store request forms for the Pullbox Variant program to retailers during their March ordering period. Register your store for access today at, or download your own Pullbox Variant request form below! Plus take a look at some never-before-seen interior pages from X-O Manowar #1!
Cover by ESAD RIBIC (MAR121221)
Pullbox Exclusive Variant by CARY NORD (MAR121222)
Variant Cover by DAVID AJA (MAR121223)
UPDATE: My understanding is that this variant is an order all that will appear on the Diamond retailer order form and that retailers are allowed to order as many as they have orders for (or have subscriptions). How this is going to be policed is still a mystery.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
X-O Manowar #1 ComicsPro Lithograph
Just saw this pop up on the official Valiant Comics Twitter feed (@ValiantComics). It's a photo tweeted by Valiant Comics Chief Creative Officer Dinesh Shamdasani (@dinesh_s).
The tweet that accompanied it reads as follows:
So what can we deduce from all this? According to the internets, ComicsPro is "the only trade organization dedicated to the progress of direct market comic book retailers". They just happen to have their annual meeting of retailers and publishers in 4 days. I'm guessing that Valiant is going to be there and they are bringing these hand numbered (out of just 400) lithographs (which feature the Esad Ribic cover to X-O Manowar #1) to give to the retailers.
But the tweet also says that this is "part 1". What else do they have planned? I'll post more when I know more.
No posts for a while as I see if I can open a comic store and fly to the ComicsPro quick enough to get one of these bad boys.
The tweet that accompanied it reads as follows:
@ValiantComics is ready for ComicsPro part 1! #comicmarket #valiant #wariscoming
So what can we deduce from all this? According to the internets, ComicsPro is "the only trade organization dedicated to the progress of direct market comic book retailers". They just happen to have their annual meeting of retailers and publishers in 4 days. I'm guessing that Valiant is going to be there and they are bringing these hand numbered (out of just 400) lithographs (which feature the Esad Ribic cover to X-O Manowar #1) to give to the retailers.
But the tweet also says that this is "part 1". What else do they have planned? I'll post more when I know more.
No posts for a while as I see if I can open a comic store and fly to the ComicsPro quick enough to get one of these bad boys.
Dinesh Shamdasani,
Esad Ribic,
Valiant Returns,
X-O Manowar
Monday, January 23, 2012
Valiant Market - Secret Weapons #1 cover
The imminent return of the Valiant Universe this year beginning with Cary Nord and Robert Venditti on X-O Manowar #1 is starting to drive prices of old Valiant comics and art through the roof.
Just this week I featured the original art to the cover of Secret Weapons #1, and now that piece has sold for $550. I'd like to think that the sale was because I showed off the cover but it probably has more to do with the fact that the book has sold millions.
Just this week I featured the original art to the cover of Secret Weapons #1, and now that piece has sold for $550. I'd like to think that the sale was because I showed off the cover but it probably has more to do with the fact that the book has sold millions.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
X-O Manowar #1 announced with Cary Nord!
Valiant Comics has finally announced the creative team for the first book in the new Valiant Universe and it's a doozy! Are you ready?
CARY (oh my god he's perfect!) NORD & ROBERT VENDITTI on X-O MANOWAR!
The press release is below as well as some of the most beautiful art I've ever seen:
CARY (oh my god he's perfect!) NORD & ROBERT VENDITTI on X-O MANOWAR!
The press release is below as well as some of the most beautiful art I've ever seen:
Cover by Esad Ribic
Pages and cover by Cary Nord
On May 2nd, New York Times best-selling author Robert Venditti (The Surrogates, The Homeland Directive) and Eisner Award-winning artist Cary Nord (Conan) launch X-O Manowar #1, the debut issue of the all-new Valiant Universe!
“Cary is knocking it out of the park with this book. His pages look incredible and Rob’s pitch is one of the best I’ve ever read,” said Valiant Executive Editor Warren Simons. “These guys are putting together a remarkable #1 issue.”
Born into battle and raised under the oppressive thumb of the Roman Empire, Aric of Dacia is a beloved figure among his men and a leader of the Visigoth people. But when he’s taken prisoner after a brutal encounter with an alien strike force, he must capture the X-O Manowar armor – the most powerful weapon in the universe – if he’s to save his family and return to his people. But when he arrives he finds 1,600 years have passed and the most primitive man on Earth – a man out of time – now wields a weapon capable of incalculable destruction
“Some may consider him a barbarian, but Aric is a seasoned battlefield tactician and a warrior capable of taking down some of the world’s greatest adversaries with only his wits and a broadsword,” said Venditti. “So what happens when you hand this so-called primitive the universe’s most powerful weapon and drop him in the modern day? It’s a recipe for one of the most compelling action stories you’ll see on the stands in 2012.”
“I’m having a blast working on X-O Manowar,” added Nord. “I’ve tackled warring barbarian hordes, alien armadas and destroyed pretty much everything in between. This is going to be an epic in every sense of the word.”
During X-O Manowar’s initial run, the smash hit series sold over 8 million copies and featured work from a distinguished roster of comics luminaries including current Marvel Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada, former Marvel Editor-in-Chief Jim Shooter, and comics legends Barry Windsor-Smith and Bob Layton.
“Powerful storytelling has been our first priority since day one and, together, Rob and Cary are proving to be a truly visceral combination,” said Valiant Chief Creative Officer Dinesh Shamdasani. “Together, their work on X-O Manowar is defining the size, scope and intensity of the Valiant Universe.”
“X-O Manowar was one of the many reasons that Valiant became a legend in its time,” added Valiant CEO Jason Kothari. “This is an all-time classic character and we have big plans not just for him, but the rest of the Valiant Universe.”
Thursday, January 19, 2012 Launches
I'm a little behind but trying to catch up. Valiant Entertainment have launched a new website in anticipation of the new comics they are releasing this May. Head over to to check it out. There is some sick looking new art to be seen! Analyse will follow.
Original Art - Secret Weapons #1 cover
In my never-ending quest to present you dear reader with scans of the original art to every Valiant comic book cover I present Secret Weapons #1 by Joe St. Pierre. Check it out.
Now compare it to the printed version.
Now compare it to the printed version.
I've always liked this cover. I'm not sure why. Maybe because when it was released there was so much fanfare around it. It was Valiant's Justice League or Avengers and they meant to great lengths to promote it. What's interesting is that the background is so detailed (especially the ceiling) but so much is lost or covered by the colors and logo.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
X-O Manowar: War Is Coming poster
Looks like the return of Valiant Comics continues to move forward (I can't wait!!!). This new poster promoting X-O Manowar is now in stores:
Great logo, design and art! Love what I'm seeing. No word on creative teams yet but War Is Coming is very intriguing. X-O ManoWAR or actual WAR with the aliens? Maybe both!
Great logo, design and art! Love what I'm seeing. No word on creative teams yet but War Is Coming is very intriguing. X-O ManoWAR or actual WAR with the aliens? Maybe both!
Predator vs Magnus Robot Fighter #2 Un-Used Cover
Just found this un-used cover to Predator vs Magnus Robot Fighter #2 a.k.a PvsM by Barry Windsor-Smith a.k.a BWS at a.k.a.! Check it out:
Pretty nice huh? The website tells us
Pretty nice huh? The website tells us
Check out this very nice 1992 drawing of Magnus Robot Fighter Cover which was penciled and inked by the great Barry Windsor-Smith, and used as the concept for the Predator vs Magnus Robot Fighter #2 cover! This nice fully penciled and inked 11 by 17 inch piece features a very nice profile view of Magnus Robot Fighter! Barry Smith used the concept of this very piece and added the Predator to make the final cover. Compare this nice art to the published comic book in the red link above!The piece has already been sold and I can't find the sale price. If you know the price or own the art let me know.
Valiant Market - Archer & Armstrong #2 page 19
The imminent return of the Valiant Universe this year is starting to drive prices of old Valiant comics and art through the roof. Another Barry Windsor-Smith original art page has just sold for big money. The previous sale is documented here.
This time the page is from Archer & Armstrong #2 and is page 19 featuring Archer, Armstrong, Turok and Mothergod. Check it out:
The page, signed by Barry Windsor-Smith sold for $700. A great price but just half of the price of the X-O Manowar #1 sale because the seller had a fixed price not an auction.
This time the page is from Archer & Armstrong #2 and is page 19 featuring Archer, Armstrong, Turok and Mothergod. Check it out:
The page, signed by Barry Windsor-Smith sold for $700. A great price but just half of the price of the X-O Manowar #1 sale because the seller had a fixed price not an auction.
Barry Windsor-Smith,
Original Art,
Shadow Man Tattoo 3
People LOVE Shadow Man!
So far I've profiled two people that have Shadow Man tattoos and today I've found a third! I'm not even looking for these guys!! You can see the first two here and here.
Today, we have another Mask of Shadows tattoo from the Shadow Man video game (always surprises me just how popular those Shadow Man video games are). Check it out:

The tattoo owner explains on his blog:
So far I've profiled two people that have Shadow Man tattoos and today I've found a third! I'm not even looking for these guys!! You can see the first two here and here.
Today, we have another Mask of Shadows tattoo from the Shadow Man video game (always surprises me just how popular those Shadow Man video games are). Check it out:

The tattoo owner explains on his blog:
I wanted a good rendition of the below images so started a competition on facebook where only 2 of my friends competed, Charlie and Maddie both drew very good designs and both were taken and used as well as Jeff the Tattooist's own horror genre to the free hand piece.His tattoo is based on the Mask of Shadows from the video game:
For the tattoo owners sake, I hope they keep the mask in the new comics!
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